Aims and Objectives

The overall objective of OLEUM is to better guarantee olive oil quality and authenticity by empowering detection and fostering prevention of olive oil fraud. This overall objective is supported by three strategic objectives:

  • To develop new and/or improved analytical methods for assuring the quality and authenticity of olive oil.
  • To develop the OLEUM databank - an online integrated quality assurance database of olive oil analytical methods and data related to chemical and organoleptic characteristics.
  • To develop and support a worldwide community of proficient analytical laboratories involved in the analysis of olive oil, therefore establishing a wide OLEUM Network.

The OLEUM partners have identified four main gaps in the current knowledge that the project will address: legislation and regulation, analysis, harmonisation and coordination, consumer and market confidence. 


Technical details:

Project Duration: Starting Date: Grant Agreement No:
4 years September 1st, 2016 635690